PC Software - up to Windows 7
Here you can download the software to configure and read out the logs from diving computer SPX42.
Avaivible languages are german,french,english.
The current Version is 1.2.6 (2018/05/19)
Android APP
You can install the current Android App for Android devices whith lowest version 4.0.3 to your Android device on following link. The App can read out your logbook, view an dive grapical and complete configuring your SPX42 device.
Avaivible languages are german,english and shortly french.
The softweare sould be current in "Google Play" store.
[Google PlayStore]
MAC Software
Here you can download the current software to configure and read out the logs from diving computer SPX42.
Avaivible languages are german and english.
The current Version is 1.1.6 (2020/08/23)
SHA-1 Checksum: 56482dd4ec17fa714b94932d67242f1cbb49d09e
Supported is MacOS, 64 bits.
PC Software
Here you can download the current software to configure and read out the logs from diving computer SPX42.
Avaivible languages are german and english.
The current Version is 1.1.6 (2020/08/23)
SHA-1 Checksum: bf43b957163fd485e4e50f227c268d0de5fbe4d9
At the moment is only windows 10, 64 bits supported.